Ethan W. Sussman

Current position: Szegő Assistant Professor, Stanford University

Email: "ethanws" + U+0040 +""

Office: 382-H

About Me:

I am an analyst specializing in microlocal analysis and singular geometry and their applications to partial differential equations and mathematical physics more broadly. Previously, I did my PhD at MIT, where I was fortunate to be advised by Peter Hintz.


Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics, MIT, 2023.

B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics, Stanford University, 2018.

Works in progress:

  • Microlocal analysis of the nonrelativistic limit of the Klein--Gordon equation. (Joint with Andrew Hassell, Qiuye Jia, Andras Vasy.)
  • A remark on the essential self-adjointness of the D'Alembertian on asymptotically Minkowski spacetimes. (Joint with Qiuye Jia and Mikhail Molodyk.)
Titles tentative. Click here for a live feed of me working on these manuscripts.


  • Stanford Math 173, Spring 2024: Theory of Partial Differential Equations
  • Stanford Math 21, Winter 2024: Calculus III
  • MIT 18.089, Summer 2021: Calculus for Naval Engineers.

Recent topics of interest:

  • Wave propagation on manifolds, including both the Schrödinger equation and relativistic wave equations.
  • Scattering theory for repulsive Coulombic point scatterers.
  • The construction of the BPZ minimal models of 2D CFT.

Publications and preprints:

There may be slight differences between the versions here and the versions elsewhere. The versions here are the most up-to-date.

Miscellaneous: Link.